How to contribute

Share your expertise in a didactic demonstration to our 500,000 members and counting. Please follow the instructions below if you wish to contribute.

Structure for a contribution

  • 1

    Upload your video

    Title, Abstract, Contact
  • 2

    Video information

    Authors, specialties, keywords
  • 3

    Written narrative

    Clinical case, diagnostic work-up, patient set-up, port placement, procedure description, postoperative outcomes, take-home messages

  • 4



  • High-definition video

  • Titles of the key stages of the operation with timestamps

  • 250-word abstract with 2 to 4 bibliographic references (PubMed DOI)

  • Names of the authors and affiliations

LAP-VEGaS guidelines

WebSurg follows the LAP-VEGaS guidelines published in Annals of Surgery (2018) to standardize and improve the quality of educational videos in laparoscopic surgery and remote mentoring.

All WebSurg videos are subsequently demonstrated in a stepwise approach to improve the acquisition of surgical knowledge and skills.

Who can contribute

Anyone is welcome to submit their contributions, whether it is to share a new technique, a novel technological innovation or to present a standard surgical procedure in compliance with international guidelines and consensus recommendations in an original and didactic way.

Structure for a contribution

Structure for a contribution

  • 1

    Upload your video

    Title, Abstract, Contact
  • 2

    Video information

    Authors, specialties, keywords
  • 3

    Written narrative

    Clinical case, diagnostic work-up, patient set-up, port placement, procedure description, postoperative outcomes, take-home messages

  • 4




  • High-definition video

  • Titles of the key stages of the operation with timestamps

  • 250-word abstract with 2 to 4 bibliographic references (PubMed DOI)

  • Names of the authors and affiliations

LAP-VEGaS guidelines

LAP-VEGaS guidelines

WebSurg follows the LAP-VEGaS guidelines published in Annals of Surgery (2018) to standardize and improve the quality of educational videos in laparoscopic surgery and remote mentoring.

All WebSurg videos are subsequently demonstrated in a stepwise approach to improve the acquisition of surgical knowledge and skills.

Who can contribute

Who can contribute

Anyone is welcome to submit their contributions, whether it is to share a new technique, a novel technological innovation or to present a standard surgical procedure in compliance with international guidelines and consensus recommendations in an original and didactic way.

Validation process

Videos submitted to us are sent to a peer-review committee who will decide if the video can be published on WebSurg. This decision depends on the technical quality of the video and on its scientific relevance and compliance with international guidelines, but also on its originality. We remain at your disposal throughout this process to inform you on the status of your video publication.

  • Draft

    Complete your submission and submit it for review.

  • Submitted

    Your video will be reviewed by our scientific committee.

  • Validated

    Your video has been validated by the scientific committee and has been added to our pool of video contributions.

  • Published

    Your video has been published.

  • Rejected

    If your video is not accepted, the explanation justifying this will be sent to you.

Validation process

Validation process

Videos submitted to us are sent to a peer-review committee who will decide if the video can be published on WebSurg. This decision depends on the technical quality of the video and on its scientific relevance and compliance with international guidelines, but also on its originality. We remain at your disposal throughout this process to inform you on the status of your video publication.

  • Draft

    Complete your submission and submit it for review.

  • Submitted

    Your video will be reviewed by our scientific committee.

  • Validated

    Your video has been validated by the scientific committee and has been added to our pool of video contributions.

  • Published

    Your video has been published.

  • Rejected

    If your video is not accepted, the explanation justifying this will be sent to you.

The Hall of Fame

In July, our team of international experts will choose and reveal the name of the author of the best contribution, which covered a topic of minimally invasive surgery in an original and academic way.

Contribute today, and who knows, you could win the Hall of Fame contest!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you need more information, see our FAQ.

The Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame

In July, our team of international experts will choose and reveal the name of the author of the best contribution, which covered a topic of minimally invasive surgery in an original and academic way.

Contribute today, and who knows, you could win the Hall of Fame contest!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you need more information, see our FAQ.